More outlandish tweets from Karla Sofía Gascón (islamophobia, racism, COVID conspiracies, ableism and all around hate)
I think it is a problematic and harmful to call people eggs based on their behavior, to say the least
Was die Belgier können, können Norddeutsche auch.
Bloß keinen Ghürerschein machen, leute 😔
Zahnhygiene ist wichtig 🦷
What are the prospects for found footage outside of the horror genre? (Pic as example)
95% of horror games do not scare me, I'm looking for more that do, here are the ones that succeeded in scaring me, why they scared me, and ones that didn't scare me at all:
Wegen Asyl-Abstimmung mit AfD: Michel Friedman tritt aus der CDU aus
Stephen King Says Mike Flanagan's Plan For The Dark Tower Adaptation Is 'Perfect' - SlashFilm
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is out now on PC!
Selena Gomez weint über Trumps Vorgehen gegen Migranten
Statement von Culcha Candela
The rules are back in town
You guys belive Stalin exists in the fear and hunger univers?(ignore the bald guy)
Atomkraft-Debatte: Marc-Uwe Kling startet "Söder-Challenge"
Have you met anyone who doesn't like Severance?
A Serbian Film
District of Colombia, Pyongyang
It’s giving North Korea
Shocking development: guy who is "just concerned about children making irreversible changes to their bodies" calls adult trans person a "digusting freak"
Erste Ergebnisse: Wahlumfrage BTW 2025 in progressiven Subreddits im deutschsprachigen Raum (Link zum vollständigen Zwischenbericht in den Kommentaren)
Wrench has weird crushes
Warum denkt ihr ist Andre Schiebler so, wie er ist?
So funny it feels intentional