my friend has a crush on post-crash curly...
Identical triplet brothers, who were separated and adopted at birth, only learned of each other’s existence when 2 of the brothers met while attending the same college
Is there a term for oxymoronic questions
What songs should I add
Boyfriend had to wait for the shower to "dry out" because of me.
What other directors do you want Cosmonaut to review every film for?
who’s your comfort youtuber?
Return of the Jade cosplayer :)
after 6 hours played with him
Rest in peace Jimmy Carter
My Jade MK9 Cosplay :)
Why Peter feels "nerfed"
Say something good about this character
What got opinion got u like this?
How does this man use the bathroom
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What am I supposed to listen to now Chuckle Sandwich is ending??
What are your 2 words?
Kaz Miller’s daughter ???
Characters who's eyes are pure black for a reason
Type in "fat man" and let ur keyboard finnish it.
What games can you just not get into
DBD Most selfless and heroic survivor(s)?
What are your major concerns with the upcoming remake?
guys, i just happened to realize this, wtf??