Help reading Charles’s handwriting
Episode drops
Running list of death days?
mr martins “red room”
What time does it release?
Trump, Travis and Taylor…
My girlfriend flipped out when I told her she is almost a millennial.
Has it been said how Maddie was able to see Janet and the teacher in the fall out shelter?
Memory lane: What were you doing in 2017?
The boiler room
Time period
Chad & Erin Q& A
Maddie dead for good or no?
did i miss something or…
Next Episodes?
Did Janet Posses Maddie or did she killer her.
Paramount+ Issues?
S2 time?
Is it out on Netflix yet or just paramount ??
where is season 2 premiering?
7x06 title & synopsis
Tell me this isn’t really a thing now?
How did Carlin and Evan go almost 3 years without knowing where Zade’s birth certificate was?
Did Mr. Martin know Mr. Manfredo?