Crystal Bernard
What are your top 10 best and worst episodes of American Dad?
Does anyone still think Bernadette Peters is still hot at 76?
Ariana Grande and Bernadette Peters together on Jimmy Kimmel
What are your top 10 best and worst American Dad episodes?
Today officially marks the 20th Anniversary of American Dad
every team’s greatest small forward in franchise history.
all-time, rank these lakers bigs 1-6.
which team wins in a finals matchup?
Both in their prime, who are you taking?
Damn Judith can get d down by me anytime. She was hot as hell.
Is it me or was Miss Dolores Pasternak played by two different actresses?
IN THEIR PRIMES: which team wins in a WCF series?
Rank these four based on who was the best in their primes?
I love Marjorie. I wish I had somebody like her in my life
Every NBA Team's All-Time Starting Lineup
which team wins in a finals series?
Who was Jerry’s prettiest girlfriend?
Mike Bibby or Jason Williams? Who was the better Grizzlies PG? Better Kings PG?
Who was better in their prime?
Prime Paul Pierce or Prime Carmelo Anthony?
IN THEIR PRIMES: '11 celtics vs '22 lakers. who wins in a finals series?
START - BENCH - TRADE - CUT if their careers were injury-free.
Prime 2016 Heat VS Prime 2019 Warriors: Who wins this 5 on 5 matchup?
which all-time team wins in a matchup?