This Saturday's pompously difficult to rhyme word is arrogant.
Are these marks Braille?
Band name for a Beatles cover band made up of time travellers from the year 3000
The 50 States
Wrong one
Bandname = Color + CarPart + Person (not interchangeable)
Loving this outfit 😁
Another debut
RBI scoring question
A Titanic misjudgement
Unexpected places to have 'maximum security' versions of them
TIL Jim Thome's final career stolen base was a complete accident
Band name where the musicians and music are all fake.
in case you haven’t gotten any femme sleepwear yet, get a nightgown. do it now
New corduroy skirt
A band of eunuchs
Scene: Public figures and characters you hope to god never hosts SNL
Congrats! You've just gotten the closest parking space to the building! What is it called?
Felt metallic
This Saturday's extravagantly difficult to rhyme word is circus.
Name for a band of lesbian Nazism hookers abducted by aliens and forced onto weight loss programs.
Best schools for "outside the box" thinkers in Chatt
Are all the raglan sweatshirts fitting the same?
Events to meet people with my same interests?