Shirt doesn’t match photo listing
Favorite Piece of Taylor Merch You Own??
What happened to the little French girl’s parents in “War Horse”?
Why do people hate War Horse (2011)
1926 Peggy Sage in Dark - No top coat required
New Savant Opinions?
ENT prescribed me fluoxetine
Long Story Short I Had a Bad Time...
Taylor Swift Christmas Gifts
How exactly does Felix Felicis work?
Putting my autistic son into a residential treatment facility
Does anyone know why red spots are appearing all over my body?
Which color suits me best?
AIO I broke up with my bf over a word search
Am I overreacting or should I report this children’s coach?
I’m so over today
How would Voldemort have lived forever?
Kid put "Taylor Swift cardigan" on her wish list. I'm fully aware this is a knockoff - but is it passably close?
Has anyone else purchased Mads $40 custom video?
My virginity has ruined my life
Teachers using your room/during your off periods
AITA for not selling my car even though my fiancée refuses to sit in the front seat because my ex sat there?
Is there any success stories???
Earplugs make it worse?
Doctor recommendation