tired and sad, gotta make it.
The volume pyramid (I am going to offend so many people with this)
I'm a band director, you can't roast me
They have a flag now?
Give me ur favorite album and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name
ask me anything (maybe) ((totally)) (((definitely)))
what did yall get?
What did you get?
Who Are You In The Friend Group?
I play Bass Clarinet. Roast Me
I play percussion. Roast me.
guys if the singer from foo fighters shaved hed look like that one nirvana drummer
bro my ear is itchy
What is that one thing? 🤔
Your Last Image of a Character is what Solo'd Goku.
My Birthday is coming up and I’m turning 16 and I don’t know what to ask for what should I ask for?
“I play ___, roast me”
Who do you think wins?
I want to kill myself
you 3 inches in yo girl and LeBron 3 inches in you, you moving backwards or forward?
Nah, fuck this.
Protoclone, the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android.
mmm...yeah.. I see those horny flairs.. yeahh..mm...no-
Hiya! Looking for someone I can talk to. MUST like videogames :)