People of Reddit, how did the US recover from and reunite as well as it did, post-Civil War?
Underrated prog
Realistically how easy is it to open a “wikipedia” type of site?
My flight almost going at speed of sound due to strong winds
Where does the Sentence: "The rocks are quiet because the trees are listening" come from?
Does daylight change weather patterns
What's the worst type of manipulation?
What is Trump doing that infuriates you most?
What is the most looked down upon group of people who have done nothing wrong?
What’s a sign someone as a porn addiction?
If one had a strong enough umbrella could it be used to slow a large descent and float safely to the ground?
Which industries are actually doing any good (ethically and economically) these days?
What is the most underrated soft skill?
Why are there so many townhouses being built rather than single homes?
Will we ever get to a point as a society where people don’t run with headlines and flashy rhetoric, but actually atleast read the body of the story (possibly even do their own research) before reacting? What will it take?
What’s your opinion on crop circles?
What in the human body are there three of?
“Nature rarely produces straight lines and angles.” What are some of those rare examples?
Is there any reason to Lucid Dream instead of Daydream?
What can each individual do about climate change?
Why scientists still doesn't figured out what exactly happens to the consciousness after a person dies. Does it cease to exist?
What you will be able to contribute to technology if you went to the medieval times ?
What part of your body turns you on to be touched?
Which airline is safer, one that just had an accident or one that never had one?
does thrifting support the government?