Working on a large castle keep, looking for suggestions on what to build in the front room
Secret stairs Door
No neutral in electrical box (Kasa HS200)
Am I your type?
Can't hear my wife on phone calls with buds on.
Trying to add 3D Chameleon with 3D Clippy to a Neptune 4 Max
Adding Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feeder to N4P
Ok I am done
Neptune 4 Pro leveling
Calibration on Pro
OctoEverywhere removed my status screen
Good cheap bands?
Package out for delivery?
Uh....what is this?
LPT: Keep mice out of your house. Two words. Strobe lights!
Heavy use
Better be? Why is this even ok, I understand it’s a lot of boxes but I wasn’t even notified that they were coming today.
What's something poor people have more than rich people?
What are you supposed to do when you're waiting at the laundromat?
What would you do if you woke up with a 10 inch penis?
Who ruined Christmas this year and what did they do?
What screams “I’m a bad parent”?
No! They're eating him!
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Is there a way to filter out Ringke posts?