What’s the most stomach turning moment in a King book you have read?
How to keep this build up from happening?
What is your reason to stay alive?
What is your #1 regret in life?
What is the most beautiful song written for a movie?
What's a 'kid food' you secretly (or not so secretly) still enjoy as an adult?
What is something everyone seems to love but you strongly hate?
What movie gave you the most negative or disturbing feelings?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Any moment that are hard to watch because they hit hard?
If you’ve had an engagement ring upgrade, what did you do with the original?
How are you staying positive right now?
What was the worst “Oscar bait” movie that you saw?
Show me your renovated teeny tiny U shaped kitchens please!
What movie do you feel had the perfect end credit song?
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
What do you think was the most snubbed non-nominee for the Oscar’s ever?
What band did you see in a small venue before they broke big?
How do you complement a nude from a girl?
I know it’s not a Joe Hill subreddit
What will happen to Ramsey Solutions when Dave retires?
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
Darshan Singh (retired executioner)
Thoughts on This Diamond?
Behold, This: