Why do game developers like this type of anti-aim bullshit so much?
Canadian made energy drinks?
This sub is getting weak, we're getting outjerked by Runner's World
da Vinci just rolled over in his grave. 💀
Feel like there’s a lot of good here but can’t figure out why I’m coming in so steep again
What is the optimal ball height on a driver? I can't seem to get it up.
Two sing positions. Two years apart after working hard on fixing OTT / shank town.
What should I work on?
Are you Over the Top? Part 2
AIO- gf wanted to cook next time I see her and then switched up
Why start a company when 95% of business fail.
I am dumb when it comes to government, so, I am asking if there is a way we can pass a law that makes it illegal/disincentivised for businesses to off-shore american jobs that require a college degree?
Phil during the latest 2v2 video with Grant
Making gains
All in favor?
I’m a LAB Putter truther
It ain't much
Tour Averages Trackman Data
If you’re struggling with your swing, then do this!
Getting my first lesson in a couple of days, would love some idea of what to work on.
Safety at Night in Seoul
Rate my swing out of 10
Lab putter worth it?
28 reps of 225 at 63 1/2.
Should Canada join the EU?