is my ldrago destroy f4ke?
Found it in a hotel play room
first actual bey. was this a good choice?
Which is your favourite Beyblade Burst season and why?
What is the problem?
there goes another piece lmao
got this scythe chronos off beywarehouse
Why do people seem to consider Disk Ball bad?
update: it took one more battle
Guys... I bought a f4ke Twisted Tempo
saw this in a random search and immediately knew i had to post it here
which of these drivers is the best possible attack type driver for my Zwei combo?
Real or mid?
are any of these f4ke? (ignore swapped parts)
Why doesn't Hasbro use teeth?
what's the cheapest way to get variable'?
is this combo comp?
my fat cat pancake
are any of these f4ke?
are these real?
make me the perfect attack combo, stamina combo, and defense combo
when does malloftoys restock?