I had the craziest dream about you last night - Emily or Cinnamon. What about F
What taco bell item do you miss most?
Is the curving at the base normal for bitty pops?
Sooo … how do you guys lotion your back ? BE HONEST
Empty vending machines
Is deodorant made of eggs??
can’t open this specific ice cream brand realizing I’m not the only one
My grandpa dropped a log on his toe and didn't tell anyone for 3 months
Does your orange have any irrational fears?
February 2025 NA Buy/Sell/Trade Thread
Never seen these blue markings?
The amount of nacho cheese I got with my chips tonight…
5 Sticks
What life insurance is good?
Back Troubles
Mystery bug in my backyard
What’s your favorite customizations to spruce up a $1 menu item?
Karen gets mad at delivery driver because the fridge he bought is too big to get into his home
I got invited to a "Welcome to the Village" party
Amazon Strikes Again
Po Box and Physical Adress
Where to watch Big Bang Theory (it’s still on Netflix)