Feeling dumb, but how do I change this banner (console)
if a white guy says the n word as a lyric in a song is it still wrong
Fisher Price Gas & Go Service Center (1983)
What type of books would you get from the library. I like the library since it has books I can read without buying them. I mean stuff like planet hulk, marvel books, dc, Boom Studios, and other books. I saw stuff like Secrets of the Force.
What's a little-known movie with a surprisingly well-known cast?
You are remaking Face/Off in 2025. Who are you casting?
Which version do you like better? (Pt 1)
Zombie movies that are actual horror
Which movie moment gave you the biggest "wow" reaction?
Looking for movies to watch while taking magic mushrooms.
Come and See (1985)
UNTIL DAWN – Official Trailer
What’s a movie that changed how you view life in any way?
Movies like Venom (1-3) where the protagonist gets possessed by something non-human?
Neil Gaiman's former wife makes statement on allegations
need a movie to help me get my shit together, i was in the best shape of my life and then succumbed to binge eating and a depressive cycle and am now my heaviest and want a movie to inspire me to get back to where i was
Movie trilogies which are not adaptations and designed as trilogies from the start?
Training Day - Did Hoyt ever really have a chance to be accepted by Alonzo?
What are some good movies centred around Thanksgiving?
Sam Altman in 2016 vs 2024
Movies that are unintentionally funny/ridiculous
Wouldn’t be the same without him
Amazing Isn't it
Ultra Movie Nerds: What is a movie quote that literally makes zero sense due to a clear mistake in the filmmaking process (bad editing/rewrites/continuity errors/etc), but often goes unnoticed by virtually all movie-goers? Bonus points if you know why it made the final cut
What movies are better than the books they are based on?