what kinds of strangers and freaks missions do y'all wanna see in GTA 6?
Too bad
What Steven Universe Quote stuck with You?
Favorite Character that has you like this…
Stories where the characters aren’t exactly good people,but the ones they’re fighting against are much worse.
Former villains who know they can never be redeemed, but still choose to do good.
characters who died for nothing
When the hero decides to spare the villain, only for them to be immediately executed by another character.
what's up with Connie's nose
Tough guy alert
you're her lawyer defend her
This rock in South Korea
First we have Christian amethyst now we have....
What is the worst possible show to do this with?
Characters who have to wear or use things to nerf their abilities, generally for the safety of others
Character goodbyes that broke your heart. NOT DEATHS, but just goodbyes. Like if characters part ways on sad or melancholic terms.
Things from non-horror media that genuinely scared you unironically.
What would you do with Cuphead broken into your house?
What are your favorite non-Rumble matches that took place at The Royal Rumble?
Feeling Sorry for the 'Monster'
[Hated trope] When a male victim of sexual assault is portrayed with much less seriousness, or even humour (inspired by u/ithinkther41am's suggestion on a previous post)
main UT cast if they were charged for their crimes (assuming the court has as much knowledge of these characters as the player)
Characters in series full of morally grey or bad people that you think did little to no wrong
What is the most out-of-pocket adult joke you've seen in a cartoon?
What character best describes this?