Fabi picks Ding as the favorite to win the upcoming WCC
Why should I buy VBTLX?
Shchekachev resigned against Firouzja as the position became drawish. Commentator's reaction is priceless once again
What app is so useful you can’t believe it’s free?
Vladimir Kramnik Changes his profile to double down on the accusations
Moving to Oak Park from a different time zone soon… what should I be excited about?
No Thai fried rice
French citizenship interview (naturalization through marriage)
How far ahead to look for rental apartments in the Western Suburbs?
Weekly Casual Conversation & Questions Thread
How exactly does CRISPR-CAS9 insert new genes?
The Hans Niemann Report: Chess.com
US citizens living in India
John Chernoff: "I have an opinion about Hans Niemann"
Are we crazy to drop our comfortable US lives and move to France??
FIDE will adjust Rapid & Blitz ratings!
Juniors Rating Increase After Olympiad
I'm dumb, can someone explain why this is a draw?
FLOW sorting question
Nice April Fools Joke
Daily General Discussion and Advice Thread - March 17, 2022
My 6 year old likes to watch me play OSRS so I let him take a shot at Jad haha
Can’t get a mortgage bc I’m from the US.
Anatoly Karpov falls under new EU sanctions, he will not be able to enter the EU and his assets in EU will be frozen
Looking to leave Canada - need some advice