Drop your user and I’ll give you faves!
is there any way i can get help with one of my quests? i have 56 coins and i have NO IDEA how to make coins ☹️
Comment your favorite artist and ill send you songs from them (if i have any)
100k Giveaway!
what’s you guy’s favourite band? i’ll rate it
If someone guess my name I will ask a girl out
How do you scream over text?
what the fuck?
Why do I feel so jolly after I self harm?
Give your honest opinion on Gen Alpha...
For you what is your favourite dsbm band ?
what colour is my eye?? i’ve been told green, blue and brown
I got my cds in
What's the best scene or page in fight club?
This user needs help burying his “dog”
even still
anyways episode 2 is here (took me some time but here we go!)
What is the purpose of life?
which Alex g song hits the closest to home for you?
Lil darkie fans, what song is this?
What name is ruined for you?