Lilly liked this
Never had a shopper like this
I feel like I'm not playing this the right way lol... are there any good tutorials on the game? I'm just hooked on the daily dopamine of rewards atm
What is a name you said you loved to someone’s face, but really didn’t love or think suited the child?
Only in Chicago would this happen
Baby names that are ocean themed for a boy?
Pregnancy Medicaid Question(Texas)
Natera NIPT Panorama results time March / April 2024
Texas Medicaid Question
My girlfriend and I are having our first, is it as difficult as people say?
55 Free dice (26/5/24 Sunday 650am GMT+8)
Nursing While Pregnant helping nausea?!
The link looks really real, especially since it starts with but why would amazon say to copy in a browser. I'm really not sure, definitely need a second opinion!
Drop off anxiety
Bro Sorry My Nuts
What’s normal for 2 year old imaginary play?
Help me name my Nephew
I saved my aunt from getting scammed out of $100,000
Nova for a boy?
baby name help
Just curious
Strong !!!All about weekend.
Someone be my guardian on cashapp plz my account under 18 😭
am i wrong ?
My two ATTRACTIVE people had and baby...Why is she so ugly 😭