Company growing weed from a prison.
If your dog is not bothering anyone, I'm not saying anything
I have heard of people saying the natural deodorant does not work at all. What do you think?
Do people just not care about being respectful in public? Not what I want to see when I walk into Domino's
my favorite “snack”
Why do I feel so light and skinny after taking a fat dump.
Washed my dog’s toy and now he’s acting like I ruined his entire childhood
Is NYC Rent Really This Bad, or Are We Just Used to It?
How do people sleep with socks on?
Best places to live for someone who is in their early-mid 20s?
‘Kids should be allowed to yell at and talk back their parents’ No they shouldn’t!
is it normal to take a shower every other day?
I seriously don’t get what other women are talking about when they say certain products make them have cramps.
Gave a cute guy my number at the store.
Looks really good
If a person has a billion dollars, and still wants more money, they are mentally ill. Mentally ill people shouldn't be in government.
People who say iphone aren’t durable are just irresponsible
Does anyone even eat breakfast before work?
What is something you can always say to get under someone’s skin?
What's something that people turn into their whole personality?
Check your accounts
Has anyone used this before?
As someone with contamination OCD, please don’t think too deeply about this stuff
I shaved off all my hair in 2021