Anyone taking 37.5mg of Effexor and Adderall 5mg?
For those who aren’t fans of pizza, why?
I broke up with my ex over a year ago and he’s STILL harassing me. Any advice?
Trump shows how not to be a gentleman staying dry under the umbrella while Melania walks in rain
Favorite Gay Podcasts?
Are those blackheads on my nose or sth else? How can I clean them?
What should I fap to tonight?
I’m sure this has been asked many times, but I’m curious what’s an “appropriate” age range that you go by?
Effexor banned in Europe??
My ex checks my Grindr account.
Should I quit weed before starting Effexor?
My (mostly) positive experience. Thought I would share pros/cons.
What does a 'man-child' look like to you, and what are your experiences in dating one if you have?
Missed 2 days
Sexual side effects
Anyone else???
What trend in women’s fashion do you hope fades quickly?
Old vid of a hummingbird moth I thought this sub would enjoy
Coming out to my wife
Good morning bros
I got mixed reviews from my friends on the mustache. Should I do it again or retire it forever? 🤔
How can I help my partner with come down?
Omg, make me stop! I keep going back in for 25$ and free ship!
I know everyone has wet dreams but is it a thing to full on cum while you're asleep from a dream?