Daryl and Daryl only should have died at the lineup.
What Carl did in season 3, ep 16
Would you sacrifice Daryl for this storyline to play out on screen?
Most capable fighter?
Lol I didn’t know Spidey got his ass beat by Tony in the comics, what?😭
Crazy how even though he’s a nice guy, and prefers not to kill, he’s not above doing stuff like this.
Just started The Ones Who Live - who TF is this guy and why am I supposed to care about him? Yet another cameo from an obscure spin-off character?
POS put his ass on man’s face while he was most vulnerable
Saw this exact thing for sure in the non-main sub. So…first, who is the funkiest?
What is MCU Spider-Man’s true strength?
TWD: The Ones Who Live is very disappointing... ( Spoilers )
Everybody was doing stuff & thangs
An Avengers arm wrestling tournament. How would you rank their strength?
This Tiva moment from 7x01: Truth or Consequences. One of my all time favorite season opener episodes
Bad news! Your community falls. Which group do you feel most comfortable surviving with?
Choose your companion
Aaron wins for underrated. Which character is overrated?
What are you hoping for Dead City Season 2?
Favorite Walking Dead Character?
Scenes from TWD i really like for no particular reason
“Shane was adapted to this world too quick, he’d be a great leader”
Maggie’s ass
Why does Maggie look at Eugene this way??