What is the right's stance on gay marriage in 2025?
People with nose jobs, have you seen a significant difference in how you're treated once you had your new nose?
Why do people buy homes in areas governed by HOAs?
Indian couples in US rush for C-section to beat Trump's citizenship deadline
Why do some of you disagree with the lgbt+ community?
So citizenship to H1B child
Men of India, would it bother you if your girlfriend/wife earnsmore than you?
Boiled eggs
HELP! How to improve appearance
How divided would the US be if social issues were a non-factor?
BayArea vs. Beyond – Is It Still Worth It?
Why do (on average) women use more toilet paper then men
Which is the best Indian city to live in?
Conservatives: How does banning gay marriage benefit anyone?
Seeking an Interior Designer for Cosmetic Upgrades
What do males think about the female gaze? Is this aesthetic your personal cup of tea?
26F I looking to reinvent myself!
Anyone come out to their family?
Can people look better in their late 30s/early 40s than their 20s? Example: Pierce Brosnan age 20 vs age 41
Struggling to buy a bigger home
How do you prepare for the in laws visiting from India?
Asian restaurants are bad about telling you when something isn’t truly vegetarian.
What areas fit under 2M budget for a 3+ bed SFH
"Sari", or "Saree"?
Conservatives, do you believe corporations will do the right thing without gov regulations?