Why is suicide not the answer?
How can I go to the hospital and not get fired
I miss her so much and I want to learn to remember why I can’t be with her.
How do I tell my friends to leave me alone for a bit?
Handing in my notice tomorrow and I’m afraid what my manager will say, any tips?
I miss her so much.
Am I an an a hole for wanting to get rid of my gfs dog?
Passed family members jewelry
What is the difference between love and true love? Is there a difference?
Leon- my rescue jackson. hanging on the bonsai & bein handsome ❤️
Jut got her today. Any name suggestions?
Does it look like she’s gonna shed?
Peek-A-Boo !!
Chameleon laying on the bottom of cage
My brother sent this to me! Can someone please give me a backstory?
My end city build
Some farms in my Xbox survival world