John D. Lee seems to have been a prolific author
do you get anything for finding a shiny snorlax on pokemon sleep?
About proverbs 30:6
Why with all the evidence, won’t atheists believe?
Is there any world where this is worth investment?
Symbol clarification
Has anyone joined the church because they lost a Bible bash?
"Uncomfortable" Questions about the church.
Not LDS - Question about Temple Recommends, Salvation, and the Celestial Kingdom
About poligamy
Should our Bible study curriculum incorporate historicity concepts?
Can anyone help me find this?
Number of cards in Age 3
Does bonus help from skills speed up pity skill procs?
What does being a mormon on a day to day basis look like for you?
How much lying is too much?
Read Shari Franks’s Book
Is Helping Speed or Ingredient Finder a better subskill for Ingredient Pokemon?
Why is OGPP so difficult?!
Galatians 1:10 - "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."
Ingredient buff/debuff for islands?
anyone kind of glad to get a break from events?
What are Pokemon I should always try to catch if I see them?
New best ideal Oil and Leek mons?
Do you raise neutral nature mons? Or do you strive for perfection?