Hi All! I was wondering if any of the cuties in this community have a jellyfish haircut?
I accidentally got poked by son's insulin needle
Bipolar and Alcohol
I can’t seem to hold down an office job
Is There a Professional Tracking / Catfisher Service?
Last war
What term do you use to refer to your prescriptions?
Is my girl a ragdoll or ragdoll mix?
In which subreddit can I post an OST and find the name of the singer?
Bearded dragon
I think my friend started tearing up when I told him that my family still makes fun of my stutter
Thought I could wait until the snow melted off the walkways to get a new bedframe, sat up, and the middle gave out on me. Beneath the bed are the slats that broke over the past year. New flooring put in YESTERDAY, by the way.
Missing Cat
Is kindle unlimited worth it?
Dosage Question
Medication Motivation
Are we still sending nudes?
Can you call your psychiatrist?
Flame point with a brown tabby brother?
Man is nearly murdered by moose
Man Stands To Close To Massive Bull Moose And Learns His Lesson
Networking and Maternity Leave
Flying with colleagues and I’m a ball of anxiety
Kindle unlimited Aus
Guns that are hard to kill yourself with
What to tell people at work after taking a manic leave of absence