Mystery snails as feeder food?
Why did they not survive? RIP 😢
How bad did I fuck up and is there a way I can minimize risk?
Time lapse of my mystery snail laying another clutch of eggs.
Good night Richie, good night turtles everywhere
Freshwater setup questions
Best way to get rid of all pest snails in a cycling aquarium?
Richie’s little slice of swamp
Do I need nitrates in my fish tank?
At the Titanic Museum you can find this basin filled with water, set to the exact temperature that the people in the surrounding waters would have had to swim in after the ship sank.
A Nerf-dart minigun capable of shooting 3,000 darts per minute.
Best test kit to use?
Liking the idea of a tank.
A mystery snail appeared after a two weeks
Reef Shop 180gal Display
Looking for stand recommendations!
Hydroponic plant recommendations
Anywhere I can buy individual driftwood pieces?
Heater looks like it’s sparking in water—is this normal?
Cycling/ammonia question
Water changes?
Hi. Is this setup ok?
When to increase bio load?
What is the hangup that makes pulling carbon off (atmospheric)CO2 such an impossible challenge?
Does anybody know what this little guy is?