I don't have bullgryns but this guy will do. . . Right?
How to prepare for a tournament where 50% of the teams are elites?
Counting wounds
Requisitioning Inquisitorial Agents House Rule
What are the odds they add any factions back to the current edition?
Is kill team balanced?
How Good are Pathfinders?
Playing Custodians in 3rd
Fellgor into Angels of Death
Old 2nd/3rd Editon models for KT? Space Marine Scouts and Chaos
I have 3 questions:
Starter set conversion
Ratling SCARPER usage
Games workshop is a premium "luxury good"
Who will Win The World Championship of Warhammer Today
Bespoke Difference
Plague marine poison duration
How can I get into killteam with bunch of boyz and handful of dice?
What kill teams are most proxy-able with Drukhari models?
What is the difference between Reivers/Infiltrators/Incursors…
GW: Please give us rules for the operatives/weapon options from the 40K Plague Marine box
What do I do with old Compendium teams?
Does the Plague Marine’s Poison rule stack?
Elucidian starstriders
Weird Intervening Light Terrain situations