Whoever made the type weakness in this expansion hasn't played pokemon before
I thought I was having a stroke trying to read this card. Surely it should be "additional damage"?
The new Chatot is actually very good
How are new player meant to keep up?
Collected every card in space time SmackDown expansion🗣️
Suggested changes to integrate Community Showcases with Trading
Let's face it, the game does NOT want you to trade cards
Emblems for the next season
Did you get the 5 win Emblem? I didn't.
Well that was as unenjoyable as the last time they did the win 5 consecutive matches event. Hopefully they come up with something new soon.
27 Woobats and counting...
Ready to build the best meta deck of the new set on day 1, and then never play again and go back hoarding
Found a bunch of old cards at my parent's. This coin flip heavy card would fit the current state of play.
Not only does Alakazam have one of the best arts in the game (in my opinion). It's absolutely fantastic against the current meta.
No thanks in private match
Suggestion: Add descriptions to the emblems
Anyone else already bored of the emblem events?
Downvoting and reporting the pack pull spam
How it feels spending 100 hourglasses to get no full arts or immersives
I didn't realise Pack Points reset!
Well, now the 5 Win streak is over
The only appropriate reaction to this event drama:
Don't Forget to Concede & Help Out in The Event!
USAF A-10 gun run against Iranian militias in eastern Syria today
I know everyone's sick of the EX Pokémon in NOEX queue posts but this was too ridiculous not to share