I got into the most prestigious conference in my field… but I’m too broke to go
Mod Update: Reminder About the Spam Filter
What makes the PhD so difficult?
Scam: Man in suit with “broken down” BMW at Burbank freeway entrances
80’s/90’s goth vs Millennial goth
sociology-induced superiority complex/disillusionment?
Sociology Education Levels
Wow the providence hospital is horrible
Accepted into Adelphi’s PhD in Clinical Psychology
Does anyone else think it's weird when someone thinks you're a high achiever just because you're a PhD student?
I can't see other than shiny legs.
ChatGPT Voice Mode now available on the website!
We grew up with the Holy Trinity!
I guess Toluca Lake's not ready for a $5 doughnut
Which one are you listening to first? They all turn 30 this year.
In what world does doing a PhD with no salary(or even paying for it) make any sense?
Great Scott! TIL I am the same age as Christopher Lloyd when he did Back to the Future (46 yrs old)
The new Masters of the Universe movie already looks terrible
Quote on importance of vocabulary in Social Sciences - (I think, Weber?)
Gloriously gonzoid 'Highlander III' end fight! (1994)
You guys lied to me about Dino’s
Weekly /r/Sociology Discussion - What's going on, what are you working on?
Where are the sociology public intellectuals or even pop intellectuals?
Seeking Socioeconomics Program: Where should I start looking?
I KNOOOOWW dis place
Mikey Madison and Hoyeon Jung stage a wild donut heist in ‘Sprinklelina”, from the mind of Sean Baker for The Directors Issue of W Magazine. Photographs by Alexis Zabé