Something I noticed about the abilities of the four apexes...
(A small fishing guide) Fishing isn't bugged - things just aren't clear
I miss her...
Is this a bot or scam?
Things you disagree with the Super Best Friends on.
Amiz by Gregg Hartley
Favorite Tanks In Gaming?
Favorite Lady Characters that dress Girly or Pink, but are really Not particularly Feminine
Common things others do in games that you don’t?
Parts of a game so obtuse that there is no way a player would discover it without a guide or hundreds of hours of trial and error?
Hoyoverse really said "F**k AI"
Times when people go “that’s not how people act” but actually that’s exactly how people act
Bloodless deaths that are more brutal than the alternative?
Times you went “wait there’s an entire sequel in here”
Times when the boys were hyping up something and you decided to check it out but turns out not to be your thing?
What's your media crack? That one thing that you're looking for the slightest excuse to revisit?
Growth is a dance [image]
Have you ever outright regretted being a fan of something?
Clothing/armor that makes you go: "how the FUDGE are you wearing that?!"
Craziest lore tidbits that sound completely fake out of context but are 100% percent real?
What scams/rip-offs have been so normalized that people no longer think they are scams/rip-offs?
Things that tipped you off about how little research a bad faith reviewer put in.
Ever had a "I'm not gay but... hmmm..." with a character?
Fandoms that are different now compared to the past