Tips and Tricks
Caliste is going Jack of all trades
Something I've noticed about guys with stunning girlfriends
BOTRK ironically enough is really good vs squishies and REALLY bad v.s tanks.
Aphelios portrait drawn by me!
Cedric Diggory embodies the phrase "young and beautiful" ❤️🔥 what'd you guys think of Robert's portrayal? His acting was the best compared to everyone else in GOF imo.
[PBE datamine] 2025 January 24: URF attack speed cap and Swiftplay sudden death
Why punish us normal game/swiftgame players for people misbehaving in ranked? By putting all these people in our games?
Is leashing really only for low elo?
What exectly makes Red Blue combo good in teamfight?
Does it ever surprise you what people consider to be 'jacked/ripped' outside of lifting circles?
25.S1.2 Patch Preview
I AM RANK 1 APHELIOS WORLD has early data (buying feat boots increases your winrate by 15-20% compared to any other 4th item)
It's 22 minutes and enemy Aphelios rolls up with 300 CS, wyd?
Caitlyn outranges towers on certain angles. (Without Rapidfire)
I'mma give myself an A for vision, F for execution on this one
Humzh with 24 kills Draven 6 items vs bruisers and tank late game (551 LP Master)
What is one Harry Potter detail that you insist on correcting people?
Do you change V's appearance during the game?
Do you get worst teammates if you play duoq instead of soloq?
Legend Alacrity is good on Aphelios. It's better than you expect.
I don't main sup so I am not sure what this Brand support here was trying to do, can someone here explain his thought process?
August’s opinion about Berserker’s greaves
Why do high elo players ping so much more?