Big Day today
Does anyone know where fanatics products are made?
Who is your favorite Canadian wwe wrestler?
Looking for someone to talk with about wrestling and figures
Collection Update
I am looking for someone to talk with about wrestling
New Reveals
Rant on Powertown Wrestling and Magnum TA
Anyone is a huge fan of Amy but cannot enjoy her as much because of an illness?
What are your thoughts on Zombie Sailor Heels and Faces?
Powertown Wrestling
Series 2 Announcement
New Reveal From Zombie Sailor
My Puro Collection
I’m down to retire that nickname for Kurt too
Who do you hope to see in the Galoob MLW Line?
My action figure dream for 2025 is for Powertown to get there act together
My message to Magnum Ta, Steve Rosenthal, Greg Gagne, the creators of Powertown Figures
My message to Magnum TA, Greg Gagne and other creators of Powertown
My Plushie Collection
Anyone have these already?
Rant On Powertown and Magnum TA
If anyone pre ordered the Matt Cardona and Brian Myers 2 Pack from Powertown and plan to sell it, I will buy it from you