How to remove the shinny wax?
Tobaccos for newbie?
Cult shape pipe made by a friend
Which one you guys like more?
Old dark fire of Mac Baren
Jaw chuck for pipe making invented & designed by my friend
Anyone can tell me what's happen of Mac Baren and Sutliff?
First time for bulk Old Gowrie
Shape of Canadian or Lovat
Way to relieve stress
Vintage tobacco
Enjoying my basket pipe
Pre-X'mas Pudding😂
Amazing Astley's
What I ate during my 10-day Tokyo trip
Which tobacco good w/ this pipe?
Huge dunhill ODA
Nail buffer
Ash-y mouthfeel?
My favoutite dunhill
Do you guys do anythings for oral health?
Not really my cup of tea...hmm
Lightweight Pipe Recos
Missisippi River Rum Barrel Aged