Show me your 8th saved image. Here's mine
Can you say “yes” in another language
Your 2nd last image is what you're gonna start dropshipping
Ds wins Day 5, vote for the best design for Day 6
What's a Mario Game that most people dislike but you like?
Happy national tomorrow day!!!!! (Image unrelated)
N64 wins Day 4! Vote the most popular console for day 5!
My friends don't care about the switch 2 releasing this week. Prove them people care about the switch 2.
How many of you DONT do A?
Wii mini wins Day 3. Vote the most nostalgic console for day 4
Type, “ The skull emoji is holy because” and let autocomplete do it thing
Who is your least favourite user on this sub
That is h
What was this game for you?
What’s your favorite Nintendo published switch game from each year: day 2, 2018
Virtual boy wins Day 2! Vote for the most useless console
Fuck last saved images, give me your first saved image
The switch wins Day 1! For day 2, vote for the worst Nintendo console.
Do it or mido is coming to your house
Do it or skibidi rizz
Sans Demands Your Latest Saved Image.
I am _____.
Spell: "EGGSHELLS" With Eyes Closed
Let's get a definitive list of the best games. What's the best 2D Mario?
do you wanna build a ____man?