"He's going to have so much sex with your daughter....."
My 21 year old daughter is dating a 36yr old man.
When did music "stop being good" for you? For me, it was the end of grunge, and the rise of Nu Metal. To this day, I still think Fred Durst killed the great musical vibe of the '90s.
What are your favorite punk rock songs?
Is this a typo?
Which joke made you realize just how clever the show is?
My MI: Ranking We can all agree MI2 was the worst one.
Give me a movie where you laughed out loud at the "shocking" ending
Why is Frasier so grumpy season 9?
Your thoughts please
AITA for suggesting my friends (22F & 23M) that they should consider an abortion?
Sneakers (1992)
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
Fave episode of Frasier
What little girl wouldn’t want one of these name’s?
Which secondary character nearly ran away with the whole film?
Jarred garlic
What is your states most famous beer ?
Least Favorite Episodes/Scenes
Mst3k:The Movie
Showed daughter Mean Girls for the first time, she wants to watch similar movies. Any ideas?
Anna Bachmeier, 7, was abducted by her neighbor & held hostage. For several days, he sexually abused her before killing her. During his trial, Anna’s mother snuck a gun into court & shot him dead.
Just realized Bender sounds the most like an actual New Yorker
Maris’ eating disorder
Worst B-Story In Any Episode?