Failure to progress in labour
Bottle feeding
Heat packs
Diet for breastfeeding?
My wife just gave birth to a baby recently but the baby hasn’t latched.
Did you know?
Breastfeeding UK specific subreddit
Sore boobs lessening in first trimester
Do midwives actually care about/pay any attention to birth plans?
First time mum - bag packing!!
Questions to ask on nursery visits?
What made you go into labour?
Advice - what did you do when you got home from the hospital?
Day 4 - sleep & BF
Any advice for inductions?
Do midwife appointments appear for you on badger notes, and how far in advance?
Bond with baby in tummy
pain relief during labour options
Near constant lightning crotch & other complaints
Four weeks and trying not to panic… (reassurance needed)
Maternity leave worries
What helps on a low day?
Cramps at 13 weeks getting worse
Podcast recommendations?
Today I cried because...- a thread