What happened after that picture was taken
I read All Star Superman to prepare for Gunns Superman. It’s a horrible comic.
I, Benito Mussolini, hereby declare Christopher Nolan my most ardent follower for directing Batman movies in which Bruce Wayne punches mafiosos too hard without donating enough money, effective immediately.
How would a non-fascist hero save a woman from being raped, given that punching the criminal is considered unforgivable fascist violence?
[Beano/Dandy] Is the desert where the Three Bears live near Desperate Dan’s hometown of Cactusville? If not where do they live?
A better oxymoron I have not heard.
What characters would you have liked to seen in LoEG?
Concepts for a transgender Alice
A message to Gunn and all his fanatics
What would happen if the black fairy, Peter Pan, Cora met hades, bill cipher, the snow queen, and dr. Faciler. What would they talk about? I know there wouldn’t be like a counsel of villains but it would be fun.
Foreign Policy: Alan Moore Wants You to Invent Your Own God
[Dc/Legion Of Superheroes] Did Brainiac 5 seriously believe that magic isn't real?
‘Fandom has toxified the world’: Watchmen author Alan Moore on superheroes, Comicsgate and Trump
help me find movie
Adult Reboot Thom from Starman
What happened to Melinda Gebbie’s work for the Bumper Book?
Beast Boy and Orintho back-up story from Shade, the Changing Girl #2
[Crosspost] What do you people think: Is “Legion: Secret Origin” part of the new 52 or not?
[Other] Is “Legion: Secret Origin” part of the new 52?
What does your headcannon DC Universe look like?
Legion couples
Alan Moore’s Daredevils essays
The Magic Wars storyline featured in the original Books of Magic miniseries
Retroboot and why I don’t want it
Descendants 4 Bad
Gerard and Ray track for the former's comic "Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye"