yay trust issues
What Servant(s) Do You Cherish the Most and Why
How to debunk nonsense
[Libertarian] Free Will empirically exists and is a massively useful term. No i dont merely mean a compatibilist free will or "Uncoerced Will".
This subreddit is run by Nazi sympathizers
Should we lower the burden of proof for rape?
New player here: how important is “meta”?
Am I a bad ally for this?
Comrades, can somebody please explain to me why Evangelion is loved by the alt right?
Elon's nazi salute and the word "heil" projected onto Tesla's Berlin factory
Declining male enrollment has led many colleges to adopt an unofficial policy: affirmative action for men
So, I finally watched two of Pascal Laugier's movies
this is evil imo
I’m so happy this sub is for actual skeptics and not contrarian fascists.
What’s your biggest mistake?
The facts still remain though
Can someone please explain why everyone here is so confident free will doesn’t exist when we know zero about what makes consciousness and what mechanisms are responsible.
UBI is a terrible idea
ADL: ‘Awkward’ Musk gesture ‘not a Nazi salute’: ‘This is a delicate moment’
Elon Musk giving a Third Reich salute at Trump event.
About what Elon Musk did
In case you’re wondering what censorship looks like under our new Administration
New York Times calls Musk's Nazi Salute a, "Hand Gesture".
Is Inglorious Basterds the best “fuck nazis” movie?
Complete stranger to this sub who leans towards anti-AI art, but I just was wondering why y'all... I don't know, believe in/are pro-AI art.