Genuine question, is it okay to smoke in the Institute?
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every city
Genuine question, what now? Just got kicked out.
Genuine question
Felt cool, might delete later
Anybody else have weird quirks/rituals when playing Fallout?
Would you trust the Commonwealth for the chem addict and drunken Generals hands?
Wild mongrel playing with teddy bear
Pause game instant crash
Who else loves sandstorms in this game? So atmospheric..
88.9 Pacific Dreams
Frank Bullitt 2077
I know you wanted "sly", Panam.
What is your favourite piece of dialogue in the entire game? I’ll go first…
My depressed V
what's the point of mantis blades when you have the katana? Seems redundant.
I have a bad feeling
New beginning
This one really got me..
If the sequel is set in Night City, how will they reconcile the endings?
See you in Afterlife.
I wish I could name my sentinel Hank
I uh...I don't know what to say
Radscorpion space program
Was playing without sounds. Had a fucking stroke and shitted myself.