Do you all dress up your V for the gigs?
ok but are people ACTUALLY being horny at their regular D&D tables ?
The last achievement I have to get...I think I'm gonna dedicate it to Smasher.
This PL ending is as beautiful as it is gut wrenching
MALE V players, how do you feel about Kerry as romance.
She can wait a little while longer
what do you do when youre not flatlining people?
The rarest achievement in the game is choosing mercy
Only 5 achievements left and I can't decide if I care enough.
Do it for her
What year did you play Cyberpunk 2077 ? First Playthrough.
Do you guys think CP2077 is worth achievement hunting?
Why do people want him so bad? He reminds me of my grandpa mostly :)
Turning the corner to see this was just so ...
What is your trustee weapon?
Thought of a few sluts on this sub when I saw this. I'm sure there's at least a few of you who would be jealous of her xD (mendezsfm)
I want to lose this bet :3
Stop right here, lock screen check! ill go first
(PuddingCupPoi) how i even did found it?
Lamb and Kindred (twitchy)
Beau's Gifts (noah)
Your mouth is your Valentine
What do you see? A certain...spider?
What do you see?