the latest trailer pronounces "elytra" WRONG
BFB decided by r/BattleForDreamIsland! (Part 6, A Better Name Than That UFE) [VOTING SYSTEM IN DESCRIPTION]
You wake up in the future and this is TPOT's final 2. How do you react?
wow a new record
Google spitting facts (read the top of the image)
Let's be real, will Jack ever get to 10 Million subscribers?
People will NEVER find out what's wrong about this image (there are multiple things)
BFDI Episodes Community Ranking Day 28! BFB 6 got Low A and BFB 7 got High C. Where do you think BFB 8 and BFB 9 should go?
Who are the top 5 best BFDI players?
I was watching bfdi until I saw this
Tennis Ball ends up in A tier (ENJOY YOUR NON-S TIER TENNEESEE) BFDI community ranking day 55: Tree
Who's your favorite first boot of each BFB team?
bro liked humping the plant?
What is your favorite game?
BFB decided by r/BattleForDreamIsland! (Part 5, BEEP UFE) [VOTING SYSTEM IN DESCRIPTION]
What’s 1 thing you love and hate about Pre-Split BFB?
What’s 1 thing you love and hate about Post-Split BFB?
Who’s your least fav bfdi character?
When will we get this skin?
What do you believe the elimination order will be in TPOT 17?
Obtaining a power cube (unfinished animation)
7.1 deck
cant believe this was posted on jsal
Screentime squares, starting off, who is considered good but has too little screentime?