School Bathroom Fight
Рейс авиакомпании FedEx совершил аварийную посадку в аэропорту Ньюарка после возгорания двигателя.
How has MAGA become pro Russia???
I like this girl but she doesn’t like me and she likes one of my friends 🥀🥀🥀🥀
Same goes for the flamethrower.
Can someone help me do something at least close to her?
I've been drawing for a week, how am I doing?
Guys, I think I have my first girlfriend
Знали бы вы , как же я заебался
Ваши прогнозы?
Подрыв российского склада термобарических боеприпасов в оккупированном Селидово
How many special weapons per squad?
pretend this is a 9 year old kids search history
Photo unrelated but I have a 100% success rate in asking girls out (I only asked 1 girl out)
Мода России '25 года
Is it Treasonous to have a elf male wife?
Музыка на Белорусском?
Is that a good rizz?
Multicam Kasrkin and NATO Sentinel
A merc maid tried to assassinate your oc but failed! Would your OC show mercy or would they finish them off?
I thought the young pregnancy thing was a joke
В Донецке к Масленице сожгли чучела Бориса Джонсона, Урсулы фон дер Ляйен и Эммануэля Макрона
My nails are cut so short that it hurts. Any advice on how to stop the pain?