Some New Weapons Available in Gallery which are worthy. Updated List . ( credits: 《ঊ𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐎》#6402)
Helpful post for those who are planing to get stuff from gallery. ( made by Enderminor#2364 and 《ঊ𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐎》#6402 ) Will pin this post to my About Page.
Anyone's Invited to play with me!
How to do that 3 legendary weapon Elite task? ( easily explained and brief )
Still No "CONFIRMATION" button 😂
360 gems for 12 parts of this. No thank you
Idk whats yall headcanon behind her hood
Hermes PG3D confesses his addiction!
Classified pic straight from Dev's Room (they r planning next update)
POV: 4 v 1 in Ghost Town
Gonna bully some noobs in 2025
Literally every DM lobby is full of tryhards lol
This is what you get at the end of the campaign modethat you worked so hard for:
What do you guys watch on YouTube?
petition to ban this annoying spammar ahh guy
Tryhards seggs
Why these mobs staring at me?
Thoughts on the ottomans clan?
How does this thing's contact detonation work
Thank to cyber Monday chests 😌
🤯 das crazy
This game’s pop-up ads made me want to kill myself 🔥🔥🔥
FiXeD AbUsE meachanics on Ipho...
what is the best weapon i could get with 1000 credits?
Trader store weapons