I use the magician and I would like a build to use against melania tips?
help vs melania
Hi, I start with astrologer and i m leve 96, but i think to do a rebirth for a build mage with moonlight greatswor. Someone have a stats to level up for level 100 build with this weapons and what is the best spells to use? Thank
Astrologer Build Help
Competitive team
Shaco AP or AD in s11?
Mh rise demo
Controladocontroller ps4
Help firmware
Help Vs tank
Ds2 build help
Is there a way to cheate manus?
Hi, I'm in ng+ and you have to do artorias to go get the last witchcraft I need. I'm using a class with 45 dex and 20 str. But I don't do any more damage with uchigatana. Will you recommend more weapons to me? I'm lv118
What is the best HEX, and the best build?
What's the best way to farm titanite plates?
What is the best dex weapons of ds3?
What are the best dexterity weapons of ds1?
Excuse me you can recommend a build on ds1 pure dex?
I would like to do a run on ds1 using magic arsonists and miracles that build advise me?