Surely they’ll win sometime soon, right?
Who should I offer for Binding Worlds
Alfonse/Sharena voters, be honest, who are you voting for next?
So, is this just some kind of trope that I was unaware of, or…?
Unironically the easiest defense I’ve fought so far
2. Give me your headcanons on...
Special Heroes: Seeking and Finding (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Suggestions for my Gullveig build.
This scene shows the difference between all other reatsu and the reatsu of a man who is considered a war potential based on reatsu.
Don't get me wrong, I love both games. But they don't really capture the scale of this image. How would you feel about a wider look at Rapture? It just feels like Ryan, Fontaine and Lamb are the only people who matter, despite the size of the city.
20 cents!
My goats washed...
Summer 2025 Predictions
Who will u vote for in CYL10? (Poll Reminder-Day 2)
My best summon wheel ever
Would you say Gullveig, Eik, and Baldr are actually some of the most liked OCs in FEH?
Going to be frank here. This is my least favorite CYL in FEH history but not because of this year’s winners.
Plumeria cosplay (@dragonfeather.cos)
I Was An Eik Rallier. Here's Some Insights From The Experience!
Kiran is now an idol manager! Which characters are you recruiting for your new group?
Spread the word
Shigeki maeshima (Artist for book 2/9) has been receiving harassment due to baldrs cyl win
Ultimate CYL Data Spread Sheet
CYL Votes by Title (Repost)
/r/FireEmblemHeroes Weekly Discussion Thread (02/04/2025)