What awards may I be eligible for, if any?
Can you tell who carried this match, I'm yellow btw lmaoo.
I definitely think this person was hacking ngl.
I'm ngl, definitely think this person was hacking.
Gaijin trying not to add a French vehicle in the game that doesn't have a tiger engine sound
What do you think is the most screwed up thing in the game, my opinion is barrel damage.
Can anyone explain what's happening to my graphics?
Proud of this shot
Why the terrible graphics?
Can anyone explain why this is still happening?
I've got to be the unluckiest WT player
I have the Simpsons family as my crew.
All of that hostility for what? Someone pissed in his cereal today lmaoo
The amount of help I got from those two teammate behind me was astonishing.
Just a minor headache that's all
Mind you that this shot one tapped me and sent me back to the lobby :(
Got the Ersatz from the snow globes
I spaded the entire Italy ground tech tree, AMA
How do you guys fly well in the game?
Is the low render of the trees and building part of the game? I have everything relating to trees and buildings on high in my graphics but still look like this.
I had a question and wondered if I was the only one
War thunder needs to fix all the bugs first before they can release another update.
90% of the vehicles with hull mgs don't actually shoot and I wonder why that's still a thing.
New premium Tiger 1s
I went to look through my gunner sight and saw this stuck in it 😂