Why the FUCK cant ogryns walk through human sized enemies
Fatfish said new vet toy soon, what do you guys hope to get? I'll start
Tech priest, can’t you do something about this Vox?
Lore question-Darktide speculation needed!
A proposal for buffing chain weapon special attacks: Make them suppress nearby enemies.
The first 2 rounds of FatShark's latest Havoc21 streaming.
Why should I take brutal momentum over thunderstrike on my ogryn slab? It doesnt seem worth
Why are Fake Survivors always the worst?
Vets skill field improvisations does it effect all places crates or only ones placed by the vet.
is Only In Death Does Duty End worth taking?
Eviscerator or Power sword
It's time to repeat the cycle, Fatshark.
Auric Maelstorm
Disappointed with Havoc
idk only ever played veteran
Lucius Pattern Lasgun .98
Which class matches the gameplay of Vermintide in your eyes?
Can someone explain how to build a Bolter Zealot?
As a Zealot main, I do feel like a button mashing neanderthal at times
FatsharkStrawHat's teaser for the teaser for the next update
What is your account level and playtime?
To think we could have gotten the iconic 40k guard miniskirts all this time...
Any tips for Executioners Stance for Veteran?