What 80s candy did you love? Bonus points if still around!
What album was the first album that you remember being excited about?
Reasons genx doesn’t want to work anymore
What is the title of the current chapter of your life?
Why is Pisces hated the most and picked on?
What is the most intense physical pain you have ever experienced?
So sick of answering an entire survey and being "disqualified " at the end.
As Introvert, what activity or situation that makes you feel exhausted and uncomfortable?
You're old as F if you remember...
What was your '80s genX job that kids today will never get to experience?
Who remembers the long CD box packaging?
What's your best response to "Why are you so quiet?"
Gen Xers, what 70s/80s toy did you want really badly, but never received?
What’s your parent’s signs?
Does anyone else hate being asked "what are you doing this weekend?"
Which perfume gets you stopped in the street EVERY time???
Best GenX love song
What movie has the most depressing ending?
What is a modern term people use that you can't stand?
What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
It's 1993... you have $20.00 and three hours to kill at the mall... what're you doing?
Has this happened to anyone?? Wake up with stiff knuckles followed by fingers catching and locking
What’s something you learned embarrassingly late in life?
What do you think of your coworker that doesn’t talk, keeps to themself, and just does their work?
Sayings we lived by