Why did everything get power creep except mana rocks and lands?
Top 3 Universes Beyond you want to see but wont
How the f*** do I ward the new map?
Crystal maiden currently has 13 more damage than Invoker at level 1
My opponent's name seems...problematic no?
The cactus is ruining the economy. Magic is dead.
Final Fantasy Prices are Ridiculous
Jakiro casted a chain frost after he died, losing us the game
Facebook heard it first, Constructed is dead, only Draft is viable in the new Cactuar Meta.
How do you do, fellow kids? Isn't this quirky and fun?
What does Prossh need to be cEDH?
DotA 7.38 - Wandering Waters
Sometimes I wonder if I exist in the same universe as commander players
X spells
Sucks that yall have no joy and whimsy in your life but im different
Rachel Weeks went ahead and edited the bracket system to have it be more precise.
Y’shtola Night’s Blessed
How many games before you think it’s time to call it quits on a deck?
Why do you play?
People know this isn't mandatory right?
Waiting for the patch... Which abilities would you like to see return to the game?
Tolarian Community College is fundraising for Trans Lifeline, please donate if you can :)
The Core Bracket should be called Cozy for Fair Magic play
Crazy Valentine’s Day pull
Max possible hook range
Secret Lair delivery