Lets make sushi for Gilbert
Would it impact your life much if cannabis was legalised?
Fine Gael health minister met Israeli spy at taoiseach’s office
Daily Discussion - February 11, 2025
Ordering threw Facebook
Places selling cheap aquarium
Someone close to pac
Taoiseach signals possible end to Rent Pressure Zones by end of year
Anyone else feel like they are turning into Frank Grimes?
Setting up a 70L tank as my first tank, what are some dos and donts?
Name ideas?
How do you think Kloppo will feel if we win the league this year?
Are ye doin' a bitta arts 'n' crafts?
Accidental money mule - received summons 4 years after event
The men that took the greatest rappers on the planet away from us
What do you do for work?
Can you do an online postgraduate course in a different country while still living in Ireland?
Multimedia degree DCU?
Would a police detective have a roommate?
Were voters misled on housing before the election?
So what do you all think about America these days?
Daily Discussion - February 03, 2025
Anybody really like Louis Theroux as a kid/teenager?